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    Diablo 4 Gold News & Guides

    Diablo 4 Guide: How to Get Forgotten Souls in Diablo IV

    As players are completing quests in Diablo 4, they will obtain different kinds of materials or drops as rewards. While, in order to upgrade and craft high level gears, they need farm rare crafting materials in the game. One of these rare materials is Forgotten Souls. Many players want to know how to farm Forgotten Souls in Diablo 4. Players can use Cheap D4 Gold to search for rare materials and craft good gears for characters.
    What Are Forgotten Souls in Diablo 4?
    Forgotten Soul is a crafting item that you will likely not need to know until you hit the later game content in Diablo 4. After we progressed through the main campaign and begin to collect Legendary items, we very quickly realized Forgotten Soul is arguably one of the most necessary resources if you want to upgrade your most powerful gear.
    How to Get Forgotten Souls in Diablo 4
    To start simply, Forgotten Souls are earned in Helltides, events that last for one hour and become available upon unlocking World Tier 3. For those players that meet that requirement, this Diablo 4 Helltide tracker is very useful for knowing when the next Helltide event will occur.
    Once a Helltide event has started, players should make their way to the areas on Diablo 4's map that have turned red and focus on mining Screaming Hell Veins as well as defeating Harbingers and other Elites. Not only will these activities occasionally award Forgotten Souls, they are also sources for Aberrant Cinders. This currency is used to open chests within the Helltide, and there is one type upon which players should focus. Specifically, Diablo 4 fans should open Tortured Gift of Mysteries chests, as those containers award the greatest number of Forgotten Souls.
    Tips of Processing Helltide Event in Diablo 4
    Helltides last for 60 minutes. Helltides always take place in 2 zones and last for 1 hour (Helltides are 1 hour on, 1 hour off).
    Tortured Gift Chests spawn all over Helltides and show up on your map. The only exceptions to that rule are Mystery Chests. Chests within Helltides rotate after 30 minutes.
    Aberrant Cinders are used to unlock all Helltide chests. Normal chests cost either 75 (Armor and Rings), 125 (Amulets and One-Handed/Off-Hand Weapons), 150 (Two-Handed Weapons), or 175 (Mystery Chests).
    Don't die in a Helltide because you will lose half of your Aberrant Cinders if you do. Mystery Chests are the most reliant way to farm. 
    Forgotten Soul, the crafting material used to reroll Sacred and Ancestral Rare or Legendary items. These chests also have a higher Legendary item drop chance and can contain anywhere from 1-5 Legendaries.
    Forgotten Souls also drop from harvesting Screaming Hell Veins, a special kind of ore vein.
    How to Use Forgotten Souls in Diablo 4
    You can use Forgotten Souls to enchant equipment at the Occultist to add or replace affixes or to upgrade legendary equipment at the Blacksmith. Ensure that you have enough Forgotten Souls, Gold, and other Upgrade Materials to enhance your gear before visiting the either NPC!
    Players who want to get Forgotten Souls can follow the guidance and farm more in the game. Then, you can try to collect the rare materials for crafting legendary items. Players can also Buy Diablo 4 Gold to unlock good gears for characters in the trade market.
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